Friday, November 30, 2007

The Second Entry of Mother Teresa

In the second part of the biography, i know more about how Mother Teresa tried to give help to the poor.

  • There were occasional air raids on Calcutta since Japan entered the Second World War.

  • The transportation system had been taken over by the Japanese ,so rice was cut off. Two hundreds children were starving on Mother Teresa's hands.

  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandi spearheaded the movement peacefully that prepared India for freedom from British rule.

  • Bloody Riots between the Muslims, which undered Mohammed Ali Jinnah, and the Hindus.

  • The independence of Pakistan, which separated the provinces of Punjab and Bengal. The largest migration in history.

  • Shanty Towns sprang up on all sides. Municipal services broke down.

  • Mother Teresa left the Convent and hoped she could serve the poor on the streets. However, she didn't get the permission from Archbishop Perier and later she was tranferred to Asansol. The great thing was, Father Van Exem and Father Henry supported Mother Teresa's prospect.

  • Archbishop Perier intended to consult Father John Baptist Jansen and Father Joseph Creusen.

  • In order to be released from the Loreto order, Mother General of Loreto gave Mother Teresa permission to write to Rome and she reminded her to write the word 'exclaustration', not 'secularisation'. However, Archbishop Perier refused to accept the word 'exclaustration'. Instead, he replaced it by 'secularisation' again, which meaned Mother Teresa would no longer be a vowed nun, just a laywoman.

  • At the end of July 1948, Mother Teresa received the Vatican decree conveyed by the Apostolic Nuncio in New Delhi that she was permitted to work outside the convent and she would remain a nun.

  • Later on, other sisters started joining Mother Teresa. Today, many Loreto past pupils are numbered among the Missionaries of Charity.

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