Friday, November 30, 2007

The Third Entry of Mother Teresa

  • Mother Teresa returned to Calcutta after several months training with the Medical Mission Sisters in Patna

  • She worked in the hospital for a couple months.

  • She provided suggestions for the Medical Mission Sisters

  • They ate what the poor ate, plain rice sprinkled with salt.

  • Each of them must have three saris for changes.

  • She couldn't start real work in Calcutta because the diseases fouBulleted Listnd in Calcutta didn't find in the hospital of Patna.

  • She was ready to begin her work on the morning of 19 December into the 'bustee' of Mottijhil

  • Bad hygiene conditions in Mottijhil

  • She started a small school , House of the dying, in mottijhil and children were waiting for

  • Mother Teresa in order to learn knowledge on the first day

  • She only got little money

  • She wanted her 'book' back from Archbishop because she recorded what she had done for the poor and how difficult their life was.

  • She received large sum from the parish priest

  • Three teachers from St. Mary's came volunteered and helped

  • Mother Teresa got help from an rich prominent

  • She began to visit the sick.

  • She started begging for medicene in order to help those who were sick.

  • She opened a dispensary.

  • She opened a second school in Tiljala in 1949

  • She said only religious life could give you power.

The Second Entry of Mother Teresa

In the second part of the biography, i know more about how Mother Teresa tried to give help to the poor.

  • There were occasional air raids on Calcutta since Japan entered the Second World War.

  • The transportation system had been taken over by the Japanese ,so rice was cut off. Two hundreds children were starving on Mother Teresa's hands.

  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandi spearheaded the movement peacefully that prepared India for freedom from British rule.

  • Bloody Riots between the Muslims, which undered Mohammed Ali Jinnah, and the Hindus.

  • The independence of Pakistan, which separated the provinces of Punjab and Bengal. The largest migration in history.

  • Shanty Towns sprang up on all sides. Municipal services broke down.

  • Mother Teresa left the Convent and hoped she could serve the poor on the streets. However, she didn't get the permission from Archbishop Perier and later she was tranferred to Asansol. The great thing was, Father Van Exem and Father Henry supported Mother Teresa's prospect.

  • Archbishop Perier intended to consult Father John Baptist Jansen and Father Joseph Creusen.

  • In order to be released from the Loreto order, Mother General of Loreto gave Mother Teresa permission to write to Rome and she reminded her to write the word 'exclaustration', not 'secularisation'. However, Archbishop Perier refused to accept the word 'exclaustration'. Instead, he replaced it by 'secularisation' again, which meaned Mother Teresa would no longer be a vowed nun, just a laywoman.

  • At the end of July 1948, Mother Teresa received the Vatican decree conveyed by the Apostolic Nuncio in New Delhi that she was permitted to work outside the convent and she would remain a nun.

  • Later on, other sisters started joining Mother Teresa. Today, many Loreto past pupils are numbered among the Missionaries of Charity.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The First Entry of Mother Teresa

After reading the first 20 pages of Mother Teresa's biography. I know a lot about her childhood and early life which she was serving in Calcutta, India.

  • Her original name was Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu.

  • She was born on 26 August 1910 in Skopje, Yugoslavia.

  • Her family were townsmen engaged in business. Her father, Nicholas Bojaxhiu, was a building constructor. He constructed the first Skopje Theatre. He died when she was seven. She described him as a charitable person. Her mother, Dranafile Bernai, was a housewife before her hunsband's death. The children described their mother as "very holy". As they didnt have any income after the death of Mr.Bojaxhiu, she started a small business on her own in order to bring up three children.

  • She had one elder sister and one elder brother.

  • Her early education was in Sacred Church and she was taught in the compulsory Serbo-Croatian language.

  • She lived in a Catholic family.

  • She joined a branch of society called the Sodality which started by Father Jambrenkovic

  • She decided to become a nun at eighteen.

  • She applied to the Loreto order in Bengal. It was the last time she ever saw her mother.

  • After learning some English in Rathfarman, she set sail for India in November 1928.

  • She started teaching in Loreto Convent in the mountain resort of Darjeeling.

  • She was to remain there for seventeen years. She became the principle of St. Mary's school, a school for the orphans and the poor, from 1937

  • She taught Geography and Catechism.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Who I think Mother Teresa is?

I have heard Mother Teresa through different medias such as magazines and television programmes. I am keen to know what she had done for the poor and the homeless, so i borrowed her biography from the library in order to know her life more.

Here are what i know before reading the book:

  • she won the Noble Peace Prize for her humanitarian work.

  • she was a Roman Catholic nun.

  • she leaded the Missionaries of Charity.

  • she was beatified by Pope John Paul II following her death.

  • she received great attention from the world.

  • she was a our hero.